דילוג לתוכן

About Us

Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Haifa and the North – the leading employers’ organization in Haifa and northern Israel.

Our goal, since the formation of the Chamber in 1921 by local business owners, is to enhance economic development of northern Israel by being the focal point for hundreds companies, firms and plants, representing its members as a joint body while meeting the individual needs of each and one of them.

The Chamber’s wide spread activity is carried out on a number of correlating levels from single care for a specific company, facing taxation or legislation hardships; up to organized activity designated to change laws and regulations in favor of the business sector. The Chamber also partakes in large-scale business initiatives and projects aimed to leverage northern Israel by contributing to its economic development and employment increase.

An integral part of aiding businesses and enhancing regional economy is developing relationships with overseas economic bodies, seeking out business opportunities and partners with mutual benefit in view.

Foreign investors and businesses interested in any form of cooperation with businesses in northern Israel would find all necessary information at the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Haifa and the North, including information about the benefits granted to investors in the region.

For any question or info request, please contact us.